Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
no title
When some friends of ours decided to attend another church another friend made the comment that she was staying put at her current church until she died. I found out today that she will be leaving at the end of the church year to attend the same church that the first friends attend.
I briefly reminded her of this today, but told her where the Lord leads her to go, she has to follow. Also told her that it has been on my heart to seek out another place of worship, but leaving a place so familiar to me is so hard. She agreed. That's all.
I briefly reminded her of this today, but told her where the Lord leads her to go, she has to follow. Also told her that it has been on my heart to seek out another place of worship, but leaving a place so familiar to me is so hard. She agreed. That's all.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Britney spears - UGH!!
Two of my co workers went to the Britney SPears concert on Monday. I made fun of them. One is a 37 year old guy and the other is a single gal in her late 20s. One of my friends asked me if told me she would go the concert if she could. She has never been to a concert. likes some of her music, and would like to see someone famous. I told her I wouldn't go under any circumstance. We got into a heated discussion about why I wouldn't go. One, I don't care for her. My friend asked me why I dont like her and I ranted off several reasons. Still she didn't see why I wouldn't go. Two, I don't like her music. So she asked me what kind of music I like. I told her I don't care for today's pop music and that I mostly listen to Christian music. Then she proceeded to criticize my choice in music. She was like all that Hallelujah doesn't appeal to me. I was like That's not what I listen to and why is it okay for you to bash what I listen to but I can't say that I don't like B Spears?
She asked me if I would go if it were free. Again, I told her no. She didn't get it. I proceeded to tell her that if I can avoid it, I won't support people, places, things, that I object to. She thought I would be the only person at work who wouldn't go. We polled some people. No one would pay or go out of their way to go and one would have to be paid a good chunk of money to go. I felt good expressing my principles and what I would do to back them up.
Would you go?
She asked me if I would go if it were free. Again, I told her no. She didn't get it. I proceeded to tell her that if I can avoid it, I won't support people, places, things, that I object to. She thought I would be the only person at work who wouldn't go. We polled some people. No one would pay or go out of their way to go and one would have to be paid a good chunk of money to go. I felt good expressing my principles and what I would do to back them up.
Would you go?
Friday, March 27, 2009
What people will buy!
I am a big fan of buying second hand clothing for my kids. And an even bigger fan of selling what my kids used to others. I have had much success on Craigslist and even ebay. But a garage sale - wow! I remember the first garage sale we had at my parents' house when I was in college. You KNOW how much stuff my parents have so we had a ton of things to sell. My mom told me I could keep half of what we made. We put signs out a couple of days before informing drive bys that it would start at 8am. I vividly remember my dad calling me to get up at 7am bc people were already waiting on our driveway to see what we had. "Jennifer get up! They already coming!!"
I had a "multi-famlly" garage sale with one of my friends and her sister in law last weekend. He mom passed away last year and they are needing to clean out the house to get it ready to put it on the market. So she had a lot of furniture to sell. Her sister in law just had a lot of random stuff. She had a book titled "CHYNA" which was about some wrestler. I brought all the toys that the kids don't play with anymore, some clothes I didn't pass on, our motorcycle helmets, rollerblades, and stereo equipment we upgrade from.
I priced everything what I thouht was reasonable. The helmets orginally were $400 each -I priced them at $20. I got offers for $5 and $10. I did sell them for the marked $. I had speakers orignally $150 each price at $15 each. Some guy offered me $5 each -I didn't sell them to him. While standing around we talked about how people just want you to pretty much give stuff to them. Which from a tax point of view I would rather do then sell them for an unreasonable amount!
BUT down to what strange things people will buy - at least I think they're strange:
Free shampoo and soap from hotels
UGLY and I mean ugly "chachkies"
and underwear.
Yes I said underwear.
Would you wear someone else's underwear?
I had a "multi-famlly" garage sale with one of my friends and her sister in law last weekend. He mom passed away last year and they are needing to clean out the house to get it ready to put it on the market. So she had a lot of furniture to sell. Her sister in law just had a lot of random stuff. She had a book titled "CHYNA" which was about some wrestler. I brought all the toys that the kids don't play with anymore, some clothes I didn't pass on, our motorcycle helmets, rollerblades, and stereo equipment we upgrade from.
I priced everything what I thouht was reasonable. The helmets orginally were $400 each -I priced them at $20. I got offers for $5 and $10. I did sell them for the marked $. I had speakers orignally $150 each price at $15 each. Some guy offered me $5 each -I didn't sell them to him. While standing around we talked about how people just want you to pretty much give stuff to them. Which from a tax point of view I would rather do then sell them for an unreasonable amount!
BUT down to what strange things people will buy - at least I think they're strange:
Free shampoo and soap from hotels
UGLY and I mean ugly "chachkies"
and underwear.
Yes I said underwear.
Would you wear someone else's underwear?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
a dream COME true
For the past few years I have been considering looking for a new church, but taking the kids into consideration it has been hard to make the move. WHY the change you may ask? I know you aren't to be expecting your church to meet your needs, but I think the church shouldn't constantly disappoint you either. I get so frustrated with the "old"way people think that it affects my outlook on the church as a whole - specifically this church I am currently attending. The majority of the people aren't open to ANY change at all, bc tehy like it the way it is. I guess they figure if it ain't broke don't fix it??? What they don't see is that it IS broken.
Also the location is FAR. Not as far as my work, but far enough where it gets to be a hassle to drive there.
So I have been looking at churches close to home AGAIN. I googled churches in the area and have "narrowed" it down to 2 -Crossbridge Church and Sugar Land Family Church. Both non denominational. Now if any of you know of some others I should check out, be my guest and let me know. You may also wonder how I picked these. After googling, I looked for the Children's Ministry info. Although I think my growth greatly influences my children's, I don't want them to be somewhere they can't be happy as children.
IF i ever get around to looking I think it'd be hard to leave. Last week in SS we talked about burden's God has put on our hearts. I think I have a burden to work with the children, but don't know how it would be in a new setting. And I have been going to my current church for 28 YEARS! They really my family. But like others who have left, they have managed to stay in touch with people they left behind. There is a group of students who will be graduating next year that I am really attached to. For some reason I feel the need to see them off into adulthood. I was really hoping to find a Chinese church to visit, but mostof the ones I looked up were too chinese-y. I want my kids to hang on to their heritage, so I guess I might have to find a new way to do that.
I'll just keep praying about all of this and wait for God's revelation.
Also the location is FAR. Not as far as my work, but far enough where it gets to be a hassle to drive there.
So I have been looking at churches close to home AGAIN. I googled churches in the area and have "narrowed" it down to 2 -Crossbridge Church and Sugar Land Family Church. Both non denominational. Now if any of you know of some others I should check out, be my guest and let me know. You may also wonder how I picked these. After googling, I looked for the Children's Ministry info. Although I think my growth greatly influences my children's, I don't want them to be somewhere they can't be happy as children.
IF i ever get around to looking I think it'd be hard to leave. Last week in SS we talked about burden's God has put on our hearts. I think I have a burden to work with the children, but don't know how it would be in a new setting. And I have been going to my current church for 28 YEARS! They really my family. But like others who have left, they have managed to stay in touch with people they left behind. There is a group of students who will be graduating next year that I am really attached to. For some reason I feel the need to see them off into adulthood. I was really hoping to find a Chinese church to visit, but mostof the ones I looked up were too chinese-y. I want my kids to hang on to their heritage, so I guess I might have to find a new way to do that.
I'll just keep praying about all of this and wait for God's revelation.
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