my mom fwded this to me.....just another reason among the many not to go only question is did they take it the party without looking at it or take it as is for a good laugh
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Jesus and Poker
So I admit it, John likes to play Hold 'em...for real money. He also likes to watch it on TV which to me is like the equivilent of my dad watching bowling (he still does). There's this Asian guy on the poker circiut who every hand "prays" to Jesus to let him win the hand. His wife also is in the stands giving God the glory for his winning. What do you think of this?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The cowboys can stay away
There used to be a song titled "Where have all the Cowboys Gone" which talked about a lady/girl/woman who I guess used to get a lot of attention from guys and now that she's older doesn't. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want guys "hitting" on me (not that it happpend a lot before or even now) AND I never have considered my self a real beauty. Given that, let me tell you about these 2 encounters I experienced.
During the summer I joined the YMCA so I could work out and have babysitting for Riley (most gyms won't sit for children under 6 months). The demographics of those there were mostly people in their 40's and on with a few younger ones. When I go to the gym 99% of the time I have on my headphones and music playing fairly loud. I am not there to socialize and the music helps to block out a lot of grunting going on elsewhere. I say hi to those who I see on a regular basis, but my conversations are never more than 2 sentences long. I pretty much wake up brush my teeth, wash my face, put on deodorant, pull my hair back then go. So I had been going to the Y for about a month when I walk in to a bench and get out my headphones when an man in at least his 60's walks up to me. He says something like "Miss I just wanted to let you know that you have lovely legs, just lovely" Me being the polite person I am, says thanks and puts on my headphones. I check to see that he has left before going on with my routine. That evening I tell John that some old man creeped me out and why.
Fast forward 4 months.
Going into gym as usual. Haven't seen the old creepy guy since last time. I'm sitting down doing a set when I look in the mirror and here he comes. I'm hoping he just coming my direction to get some weights, but alas he stops. He kneels down beside me and starts talking. Mind you I have my headphones on and am in the middle of a set. Politely I ask him to wait for me to finish. I finish and take of my headphones. He tells me he's thinks he has talked to me before. I pretend I don't remember. NO KIDDING he asks me if I am a model. I'm thinking "What are you on? Have you ever seen a 5 foot 2 model? And what kind of lame line is this?" I laugh the polite haha laugh and tell him, "No I'm not." Creepy old guy. "Well I just think you should be bc you are absolutely lovely, just lovely" (Again with the lovely, who uses that word?) Then...HE TOUCHES MY ARM!!! Politely I say "Thank you." then put on my headphones and go on with another set. Creepy old guy gets up and walks away. A few minutes later he comes my way, but I see him and I pick up my towel and head elsewere.
If this happened to you, what would you do? After the whole thing there were several things I thought about doing. 1. Telling the staff about him. 2.Asking the people next to me, if they heard it and what they thought. 3. Biting his head off and telling him if he touched me again he would painfully regret it. 4. Never returning.
I'll tell you what I did end up doing later.
During the summer I joined the YMCA so I could work out and have babysitting for Riley (most gyms won't sit for children under 6 months). The demographics of those there were mostly people in their 40's and on with a few younger ones. When I go to the gym 99% of the time I have on my headphones and music playing fairly loud. I am not there to socialize and the music helps to block out a lot of grunting going on elsewhere. I say hi to those who I see on a regular basis, but my conversations are never more than 2 sentences long. I pretty much wake up brush my teeth, wash my face, put on deodorant, pull my hair back then go. So I had been going to the Y for about a month when I walk in to a bench and get out my headphones when an man in at least his 60's walks up to me. He says something like "Miss I just wanted to let you know that you have lovely legs, just lovely" Me being the polite person I am, says thanks and puts on my headphones. I check to see that he has left before going on with my routine. That evening I tell John that some old man creeped me out and why.
Fast forward 4 months.
Going into gym as usual. Haven't seen the old creepy guy since last time. I'm sitting down doing a set when I look in the mirror and here he comes. I'm hoping he just coming my direction to get some weights, but alas he stops. He kneels down beside me and starts talking. Mind you I have my headphones on and am in the middle of a set. Politely I ask him to wait for me to finish. I finish and take of my headphones. He tells me he's thinks he has talked to me before. I pretend I don't remember. NO KIDDING he asks me if I am a model. I'm thinking "What are you on? Have you ever seen a 5 foot 2 model? And what kind of lame line is this?" I laugh the polite haha laugh and tell him, "No I'm not." Creepy old guy. "Well I just think you should be bc you are absolutely lovely, just lovely" (Again with the lovely, who uses that word?) Then...HE TOUCHES MY ARM!!! Politely I say "Thank you." then put on my headphones and go on with another set. Creepy old guy gets up and walks away. A few minutes later he comes my way, but I see him and I pick up my towel and head elsewere.
If this happened to you, what would you do? After the whole thing there were several things I thought about doing. 1. Telling the staff about him. 2.Asking the people next to me, if they heard it and what they thought. 3. Biting his head off and telling him if he touched me again he would painfully regret it. 4. Never returning.
I'll tell you what I did end up doing later.
one hit wonders
In John's car we listen to JACK FM, 103.something. They play used to play a lot of music from the 60's and 70's but now they play a 80's early 90's. There are no DJs so they don't tell you the name of the song or the artist. In our short car rides we notice they play a lot of songs we grew up with and a lot of them were one hit wonders. John and I listended to totally different music when we were in High School. He listened to your typical white boy stuff - Van Halen, GnR. I of course was your typical Asian - the Cure, the Smiths, Erasure. What's my point? Don't really know. Music can bring back a lot of memories, some good and some really bad. I can remember going to parties in college and dancing to "Bizarre Love Triangle" and "Just Like Heaven". Now I dance like a fool around my living room with my kids to children's versions of "Open the Eyes of My Heart," VBS theme songs and ABBA. Still don't think I have a point. Life sure is different now.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
so here i am at my new blog/vent old one was SO popular that i had to get away...ha ha. maybe a stranger will leave a comment here, although I'm okay with just putting my thoughts out there just to get them out of my head.
i originally found this blog site when I was looking for some info on DOOL. that soap has really gotten odd, yetfor some reason I still want to know what's going on. Now within the past few weeks 2 people I know have moved their blog to here. Maybe now I'm up current with the trends, sorta.
I was over at someone's house on Tuesday watching Oprah and Dr. Oz. He commented that a healthy 30 year old female should be able to do 45 "girl" push ups. And for every 10 years more she the number decreases by 5. I consider myself somewhat healthy...I could only do 36 - but I'm NOT 30. So by his standards I have the health of just under a 50 year old??? Hmm. FYI a 30 year old man is supposed to be able to do 35 regular push ups. I'm pretty sure hubby can do more than that.
Another note. Baby girl has been refusing to drink from a bottle. I tried the 4th bottle today
and with a little trickery and a dark room she drank 3 whole ounces. I consider it a small victory.
do you know anyone looking for baby boy clothes? trying to sell mine before resorting to a garage sale. Everything's a dollar or less! Hubby tells me to just donate it, but I rather see who is getting my stuff than put it in a bag, give it to a stranger than have no idea where it goes from there. Plus the cash in my hand seems better than the deduction on taxes (which I never see).
went to Target the other day to return something. Mother and daughter were looking at clothes. As they were flipping through the rack 3 shirts dropped on the floor. they looked at them and walked off. I guess neither of them has worked in retail.
i originally found this blog site when I was looking for some info on DOOL. that soap has really gotten odd, yetfor some reason I still want to know what's going on. Now within the past few weeks 2 people I know have moved their blog to here. Maybe now I'm up current with the trends, sorta.
I was over at someone's house on Tuesday watching Oprah and Dr. Oz. He commented that a healthy 30 year old female should be able to do 45 "girl" push ups. And for every 10 years more she the number decreases by 5. I consider myself somewhat healthy...I could only do 36 - but I'm NOT 30. So by his standards I have the health of just under a 50 year old??? Hmm. FYI a 30 year old man is supposed to be able to do 35 regular push ups. I'm pretty sure hubby can do more than that.
Another note. Baby girl has been refusing to drink from a bottle. I tried the 4th bottle today
do you know anyone looking for baby boy clothes? trying to sell mine before resorting to a garage sale. Everything's a dollar or less! Hubby tells me to just donate it, but I rather see who is getting my stuff than put it in a bag, give it to a stranger than have no idea where it goes from there. Plus the cash in my hand seems better than the deduction on taxes (which I never see).
went to Target the other day to return something. Mother and daughter were looking at clothes. As they were flipping through the rack 3 shirts dropped on the floor. they looked at them and walked off. I guess neither of them has worked in retail.
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